About Us
Quality residential and respite care for the elderly in Cardiff.
We are a small, family-run organization providing a luxurious standard of residential care for our residents in relatively small settings with a distinctly “Non institutional” feel and a great location.
View our most recent reports from the Care Inspectorate Wales – Wentworth Lodge and TyDraw Lodge
Our staff are exceptionally well trained and committed to promoting the culture of excellence that the homes have become known for. Many of our team have been working with us for nearly twenty years. They provide a professional level of “individual person centred care” based on personal life history, in a relaxed way, with the continuous emphasis on the maintenance of privacy and dignity whilst simultaneously promoting the independence and rehabilitation of all our residents.
The home has achieved the Investors In People Award and we have accreditation with the Sterling University as a provider of specialist dementia Care. We continually work in partnership with friends and relatives of our residents to access information that will assist us in providing the most appropriate forms of care. All our care plans are developed after full consultation with the resident, their family, friends and appropriate health and social care professionals.
The Lodges residential homes, comprise both Ty-draw Lodge and Wentworth Lodge and were established in 1983. The adapted Victorian properties have retained many of their original features and are located in the conservation area overlooking The Roath Park recreation ground and flower gardens – an idyllic setting for enjoying a homely and relaxing lifestyle.
The Lodges are also conveniently placed near the Wellfield Road shopping centre and library, and benefit from numerous facilities and services available to the local community.
In addition, Roath Park Lake Cardiff’s most attractive inland water is close by and still retains a classic Victorian atmosphere boasting a variety of facilities. The 30-acre stream fed lake is formed in the park and other elements include superb floral displays and the famous conservatory.
The lake and park are a fine example of Victorian elegance, and their position in the conservation area ensures these qualities will be conserved. A café adjacent to the lake is open for most of the year and provides refreshments and light meals.